Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Humanity Buried in Small Coffins

“We targeted school because army targets our families. We want them to feel our pain” says the self proclaimed Talibani Jihadis.

Tuesday morning saw bullets being pumped out on random by Tehreek-e-Taliban gunmen in an army run school in Peshawar and more than 100 innocent lives have been lost in this ego war.

Reason for the brutality - The so-called Jihadis wanted to take revenge against the Pakistani army and also set up a strict Islamic governance.

Question - How can you claim to follow strict Islam by disrespecting your own God? No Quran, Bhagwat Geeta or Bible preaches that you can attain heaven by sacrificing other lives.

It is a work of some misunderstood narrow-minded nincompoops that gives rise to these anti-social terrorist groups who wants nothing but to rule with power hiding behind the veil of impressing God Allah.
Photo Source:

These terrorists were blinded to wage a war to a great extent with the Pakistani army that they did not spare killing even women and kids...In this case they have attacked the country that they belong to..."Jis thaali mein khaate hai, usi thaali mein chedd kiya hai"

I feel that “you people are constantly wrestling with your conscience so much that you decide not to harm the smaller kids but kill the older kids...Seriously? I fail to understand your choice. If at all you wanted to take revenge with the army, you should have fought it out with them like true MEN and not brutally target the kids and families of these army men"

Unfortunately, they have accomplished their mission of deeply hurting the army men by killing their kids. And for those whose kids have come out alive out of this massacre, the little minds have been scarred permanently witnessing this brutality.

High time the Pakistani Government stop cradling these terrorist groups secretly, lest they screw up their own country. Stop hiding...own still have time to eradicate the epidemic of Terrorism.